Saturday, August 21, 2010

Great Vintage Blog

Very sweet article about her Nana.

This made me laugh. "Waste not want not was a phrase heard at least once a day in her house. Seriously You were allowed one glass of juice at breakfast in a proper juice glass ... Similarly if she was out of something, she wasn’t going to go out just to buy one thing, ridiculous.  Stomach ache and out of Pepto Bismol? A teaspoon of baking soda in warm water will take care of that."


Roxanne said...

That's great! I have also heard an old New England saying: "Use it up; wear it out; make it do, or do without."

The Black Opal said...

Oh my God!! I have just found your blog and I absolutely love it.I read a few back posts on make up and hair setting . It is what I have been searching for!!!! Especially about the make up technique (and no hair conditioner). I have been trying to figure out how to apply the eyeshadow in the 40s style and could not find a single tutorial up until now (they all focus on the winged eyeliner, which is more 50s look). Thank you so much for posting. I will try it this morning!
I am so in love with the 40s: the fashion, the makeup, and of course the strength, dignity and ability to sacrifice for the cause that is larger than one's needs.
Many of my family members are veterans of the war, and some of them never returned.
Your Grandmother was so beautiful!

Forties Fashions said...

Thanks so much Black Opal.